A busy and exciting first week for ... - Crosfields School


A busy and exciting first week for pupils in Pre-Prep

We were delighted to welcome our Pre-Prep children back to Crosfields last week. Many of them had been with us last year, including those who were in our nursery class, but we also welcomed many new children to school. It was lovely to have them all back, to see the school filled with happy, smiling faces and to hear the sound of the children’s chatter and laughter. The children were out and about, making the most of the glorious September sunshine whilst catching up with their old friends and making new ones. The Year 2 children started the term with a team building, interactive day solving the mystery of the missing prize-winning pie by attempting some challenging tasks together to collect clues!

The Autumn Term is always busy, with weekly Forest School sessions, swimming lessons, school trips, Christmas plays and a carol concert, along with all the Christmas festivities. As the children settle in to their new classes and begin their learning journey, we also recognise the importance of the children’s wellbeing and balance the excitement of the first few days with the worries they may have for the year ahead. We continue to develop the children’s understanding of their feelings and the ability to regulate and express their emotions. This helps them to become more secure, resilient and confident. Our youngest children use stories like The Colour Monster and as they get older they progress to using The Zones of Regulation with calm zones, worry monsters and sensory toolkits in each classroom.

We strive to make our pupils independent learners, who are not afraid to take risks, by providing hands-on experiences whilst fostering free-thinking and encouraging questioning and reflection, enabling even the youngest children to develop an understanding of their learning journey.

With 40 acres of land and our outstanding facilities, we all feel proud to be part of the Crosfields community and are looking forward to welcoming prospective families to our upcoming Open Morning on Saturday 30 September.


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