These are the main policies that govern the school’s procedures. If you would like a paper copy of any of these policies, please contact the School Office on (0118) 9871810 or via email

Inspection Reports

The Department for Education directs ISI to conduct routine inspections of schools typically every three years. A new framework was introduced in September 2024 which judges schools as meeting or not meeting set criteria. Schools are no longer graded as ‘excellent’, ‘good’ and so on.

Crosfields was most recently inspected by the ISI in March 2024 and was judged as meeting all statutory Independent School Standards in each of the five sections:
1: Leadership and management, and governance
2: Pupils’ education, training, and recreation
3: Pupils’ physical and mental health and emotional well-being
4: Pupils’ social and economic well-being and contribution to society
5: Safeguarding

A full copy of the latest report can be accessed here. See our previous reports on the ISI website.