Our focus is to provide every child with the skills to navigate real-life challenges.
Our pastoral ethos is simple: the wellbeing of the children in our care is always front and centre and we seek to empower them to see themselves as part of something bigger.
We foster an environment in which we can combine support and safety by allowing our children to experience life challenges and develop coping strategies. Educating girls and boys from 3 to 16 years old, we adapt our focus to look at issues most pertinent to them.
Consistent foundation to help pupils thrive
Our strategic staff infrastructure means that Heads of House, and Form Tutors are complimented with peer support to enable us to maintain a full picture of your child throughout their life at Crosfields. By understanding the individual, we are in a strong position to create tailored provisions and allow children to settle in and feel comfortable as part of our school community here at Crosfields.
Taking inspiration from our community
We operate a number of peer-to-peer support initiatives such as our Wellbeing Ambassadors and Mentor programmes. Children find inspiration within their own year groups and understand the part they play in the wider Crosfields community.
Safeguarding Key roles and contacts
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr Adam Mallins, Deputy Head – Pastoral (Seniors)
Contact: adammallins@crosfields.com
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Juniors)
Mrs Emma Robson Head of Juniors
Contact: emmarobson@crosfields.com
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Pre-Prep, with specific responsibility for EYFS)
Mrs Janey McDowell, Head of Pre-Prep
Contact: janeymcdowell@crosfields.com