At Crosfields, we are passionate about equipping our pupils with the skills and knowledge they need to navigate their future careers. From Juniors through to Seniors, our comprehensive careers education ensures that every student can explore and find their calling.

In Juniors, we invite guest speakers from various professions to share their experiences and insights. This, alongside trips to different workplaces, gives our younger pupils a glimpse into the working world, sparking curiosity and imagination about what their futures might hold.

From Year 1 all the way to Year 11, careers education is woven into our PSHE (Personal, Social and Health education) curriculum. This ensures that discussions about future paths and aspirations become a natural part of our pupils’ learning journey.

At Seniors, a weekly ‘Focus on Careers’ gives pupils the opportunity to explore links between curriculum learning and future career pathways. Awareness days such as Green Careers Week are also used to enrich our careers programme and allow the pupils to delve deeper into the ever-changing employment landscape.

Guidance for the Future

Year 9: Pupils are introduced to the Morrisby Careers and Advice Platform and complete the ‘Aspirations’ questionnaire. This offers valuable guidance on choosing their GCSE subjects in line with their interests and career aspirations.

Year 10: This pivotal year includes the Morrisby psychometric assessment, helping pupils to accurately identify courses and careers that suit their skills and strengths. Our annual Careers

Week in March features presentations from guest speakers representing a broad range of careers and culminates in a 6th form information evening for pupils and parents.

Year 11: As pupils prepare to make their post-16 transition, we offer extensive support with applications and interview practice, focusing on developing the skills they will need. The year rounds off with ‘Bridge to 6th’ which is a dedicated programme to enhance essential capabilities further.

We believe in a future where each pupil can confidently step into the world, armed with the knowledge, skills and insights they have gained through our tailored careers education.