The approach to academics in the Seniors is to offer a broad, balanced, and enriching curriculum for as long as possible. To this end, pupils will study the Arts, Humanities, PE, Design Technology, and Computing alongside the core of English, Maths, Science, and Languages (French and Spanish) through Years 7 to 9.

In Year 9, pupils will be guided through the GCSE options process where they will choose the subjects to focus on in Years 10 and 11. As well as the core of Maths, English (Language and Literature), and Combined Science, pupils will choose four optional subjects from French, Spanish, Art, Drama, Music, Design Technology, History, Geography, Religious Studies, Computing, PE, Psychology, Business, and Economics. Studying separate sciences (trilogy) would also need to be taken as an option if this is the preferred route.

We continue to stress the concepts of effort, rigour, and resilience in the pupil’s learning. Our teachers will aim to ‘teach to the top and scaffold up’ meaning that pupils who need it will be stretched and challenged while, at the same time, all pupils are supported to access the content and make progress that is appropriate to them. Our pupils are encouraged to be independent thinkers who have critical, enquiring minds. Our aim is to provide a challenging academic curriculum that inspires and engages all pupils. The goal is for pupils to leave Crosfields ready for the challenges which await them.