Wellbeing is at the heart of everything we do; from the way lessons are delivered to the way in which we encourage our pupils to interact.  

Our talented and highly trained pastoral team get to know all our pupils. They identify individual needs, nurture strengths and cultivate areas of interest. This creates a vibrant community where every voice is heard, and every individual is valued and cared for.  

Pupils begin and end every day with their form teacher during form time. A pupil’s form teacher is an integral part of our excellent pastoral system and is always the first port of call for pupils and parents at Crosfields to sustain strong and fruitful relationships.  

Our Form Teachers are led by our Head of House team, and they ensure positive and meaningful connections are made with all our pupils.  

The pastoral team is assisted by Emotional Literacy Support Assistance (ELSA) trained staff and supported by our in-school Mental Health Practitioner.Â