Getting results for your child’s future - Crosfields School


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We are thrilled with the first set of GCSE results. 48 pupils who are our pioneers worked incredibly hard in forging a path and acting as role models for future year groups.


• 96% of GCSE at Grade 4-9
• 45% grades at 7-9
• 22% grades at 8-9

Notable highlights include: 82% of Computer Science, 71% of Biology, 64% of History and 60% of Higher Maths grades were awarded a 7, 8 or 9. Additionally, 100% of the Additional Mathematics entries were awarded the top grade of an A.

Nine pupils from this group have grown up within our school community, having started their journey in our Nursery or Reception at just three or four years old. Watching the development of their educational voyage has been extraordinarily inspiring. Mr Richard Ebbage, Deputy Head Academic (Seniors), said: “It is special to take a year group through their GCSEs. Some have been at Crosfields since they were three years old and signing off their educational journey with us with these fantastic results feels like a fitting end to their time here. All leave us with a clear sense of who they are and have exciting, individualised, next steps to look forward to. Well done, Year 11!

Pupils with particularly impressive outcomes were:

Tommie’s grades of 9999999988AA reflects his outstanding commitment and excellence in his studies.
Ameya has achieved remarkable results with grades of 9887777766AA. Ameya has also significantly contributed to the County Cricket team, served as the Lead for Interact Club.
Harry, one of our first School Captains, has attained a grades of 998887776. Harry’s leadership and academic prowess have been exemplary.
Calista has accomplished an impressive grades of 9888777777B. Her dedication and hard work have truly paid off.
James has secured grades of 9999888777AA, demonstrating exceptional academic achievement.
Kenodh has achieved a commendable grades of 9998888887A, showcasing his dedication to academic excellence.
Esmee has earned grades of 988877776, a testament to her hard work and determination.
Adam has been awarded grades of 888888766A, reflecting his perseverance and commitment to his studies.

An impressive 100% of our Year 11 secured their first-choice 6th form or college offer with pupils going to an impressive array of 26 educational destinations. Several pupils have been awarded scholarships and places at grammar schools, and we are proud that each one has found a path that is uniquely suited to them.

Mrs Caroline Townshend, Head, said: “Crosfields’ first set of GCSE results marks a special moment in the history of the School and its development. The expansion from a 13+ prep school to a 16+ all through school has been a huge success and the individual stories of each of our Year 11 pupils are incredibly special. I am so proud to lead such a wonderful community which continues to place equal importance on academic results, breadth of education and character development. Well done to each of our pioneers, all of whom have an exciting future ahead!

Leavers Destination

We are proud of the 26 different future schools our Year 11 pupils went on to after completing their GCSEs here with us at Crosfields.

Many went on to local day and boarding independent schools such as Bradfield College, Shiplake College, Leighton Park, the Abbey, Reading Blue Coat School, St Joseph’s, or Luckly House.

Others went on to either state Grammar schools such as Reading Boy’s School or Kendrick or popular local schools such as Maiden Erlegh, The Willink School, or Edgbarrow. Another option was 6th Form Colleges with pupils now attending Farnborough 6th Form, Peter Symonds College, Berkshire Agricultural College, and Henley College among others.

Several pupils were offered scholarships at their new school including Academic and Ethical Changemaker at Leighton Park, Academic at the Abbey, and Sports at Bradfield.


Providing future foundations – core subjects

At Crosfields all our pupils study the core curriculum subjects including:

  • English Language AQA, English Literature AQA, Maths Edexcel, Additional Maths OCR
  • Science – choose to study Biology, Chemistry and Physics (taught separately) or Combined Science (which is worth 2 GCSE’s) AQA
  • Modern Foreign Language (choose between French or Spanish) AQA

N.B these may differ for SEND and we will work in partnership with parents, carers and pupils to find the right combination.

Working in partnership and choosing the right path

The process begins in Year 9:

Options Workshop – held in the Autumn Term providing the opportunity for pupils to explore their subject options. Subject teachers are on hand to answer their questions so they can make informed choices.

Parent and Pupil Options Evening – your chance to find answers to help your child make the right decisions.

We are here to make sure that the options which pupils choose align with their future aspirations and are aligned to their strengths.

Click here to view the GCSE information booklet.

GCSE Options include:

Additional Mathematics OCR

The OCR Level 3 Free Standing Mathematics qualification (FSMQ) in Additional Mathematics gives pupils an introduction to the mathematics studied in AS and A Level modules. 

Taught alongside GCSE Mathematics in Years 10 and 11, it is designed as an enrichment programme for pupils who will be very high achieving at GCSE (9-1). This Level 3 course will give pupils an excellent grounding for any future mathematical studies.


The FSMQ builds on the skills, knowledge and understanding acquired during the GCSE (9–1) course. It consists of four main ‘pure’ mathematics topics, each of which contains an ‘applied’ dimension, and two numerical topics, all underpinned by an algebra section.

  • Enumeration
  • Coordinate Geometry
  • Pythagoras and Trigonometry
  • Calculus
  • Numerical Methods
  • Exponentials and Logarithms
  • Algebra


The examination consists of one 2-hour paper, taken alongside GCSE Mathematics in Year 11.

The assessment has a gradient of difficulty and consists of a mix of short and long answer questions, graded on the scale A, B, C, D, E where A is the highest.

Art, Craft and Design AQA

The GCSE specification covered at Crosfields allows pupils to develop their skills in a range of media, selecting areas of strength and developing these in preparation for entry onto a number of A Levels within the arts (fine art, photography, textiles etc).

Pupils are able to specialise in fine art (drawing and painting), ceramics, textiles or printmaking. Alternatively, they can continue to use a range of media, keeping their options open. All pupils must include an element of drawing.

The course is ‘teacher led’ to begin with, but as Year 10 goes on, pupils have more choice in their work, and the teacher assumes a more supporting role. By allowing the pupils the independence to make their own decisions, they are well prepared for A Level.


The GCSE is assessed through the completion of two units:

Component 1 – 2 x Coursework projects. September Year 10—December Year 11. 60% of GCSE grade. Two projects, that can be made using a range of media (clay, painting, drawing etc). Each project should include drawings, photographs, artist studies, experiments and a final piece.

Component 2 – 1 x Exam project. January Year 11—May Year 11. 40% of GCSE grade.

Pupils are given an exam paper in January with multiple questions (E.G. “Portraiture”, “The Every day”, “Dreams and nightmares”, “Black and White”). Pupils pick one question and create a final project under this title—the final piece is completed in May over two days (10 hours).

Enrichment Activities:

  • Visits to local galleries.
  • Visiting specialists.
  • Open studio time at lunch, break time and after school every day.
Business Edexcel- IGCSE

Pupils will explore real business issues and investigate how businesses work. They will analyse the activities which happen behind the closed doors of businesses; managing money, advertising, and employment are all covered. The course gives pupils the opportunity to develop communication skills, numeracy in the real world, evaluative skills, organisation and teamwork.

This is a great basis for those looking to work in the corporate world, or own their own business.


  • Enterprise and entrepreneurship – business ownership, setting business aims and objectives, stakeholders, business planning
  • Influences on businesses – ethical business practices, the economy, globalisation, legislation
  • Human resources – recruitment practices, team motivation, organisational structure and training
  • Marketing – including market research, understanding customers, the elements of the marketing mix


The course has two exams at the end of Year 11, both 90 minutes in duration.

Enrichment Activities:

  • Curriculum trips to large national businesses.
  • Visiting speakers to share their real-life experiences
Computer Science - Edexcel

The GCSE Computer Science courses has been designed to reflect the importance of computation in the modern world today and how it will do so in the future. Pupils will be able to understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of Computer Science and analyse problems in computational terms through practical experience such as designing, writing and debugging programs.

Pupils are encouraged to think creatively, innovatively, analytically, logically and critically to understand the impact of digital technology on the individual and wider society.


There are five topics within the curriculum:

  • Problem solving & Programming – Developing a set of computation thinking skills that enable students to understand how computer systems work, and to design, implement and analyse algorithms for solving problems. Pupils should be competent at designing, reading, writing and debugging programs.
  • Data – Learning how different types of data are represented in a computer.
  • Computers – Pupils must be familiar with the hardware and software components that make up a computer system and recognise that computers take many forms from embedded microprocessors to distributed clouds.
  • Networks – Understanding the key principles behind the organisation of computer networks and network security.
  • Issues and Impact – Awareness of emerging trends in computing technologies, and the impact of computing on individuals, society and the environment, including ethical, legal and ownership issues.

Enrichment Activities: 

  • A range of enrichment and co-curricular activities such as 3D Animation, Cyber Security, Coding extension and consolidation, and national coding competitions
  • Open Computer Suite time for pupils to work on their programming in a supported environment
  • Guest speakers
Design and Technology - 3D Design AQA

The GCSE Design and Technology – 3D Design course develops skills in creative thinking, problem-solving, and communication. Students apply their knowledge to the design and creation of products, with an emphasis on sustainability and societal impact. They are encouraged to explore personal interests and develop transferable skills, including making aesthetic, economic, moral, and technical judgments.


Pupils focus on three-dimensional design, which includes designing, prototyping, and making functional and aesthetic products or environments. This involves drawing on intellectual, creative, and practical skills. The syllabus covers a variety of areas, and pupils can explore combinations of these:

  • In both Component 1 and Component 2, pupils are required to work within one or more of these areas, exploring how design responds to personal or client needs, and taking into account historical, cultural, social, environmental, and creative contexts.


The course has two key assessment components:

  • Component 1: Portfolio (60%)
  • Pupils develop responses to project briefs, starting points, or specified tasks.
  • Their work demonstrates idea development, refinement, and realization, informed by research and engagement with sources such as the work of artists, craftspeople, and designers.

The portfolio includes evidence of:

  • Drawing for different purposes
  • Written annotations
  • Practical responses to design challenges
  • The focus is on the design process, showcasing knowledge, skills, and understanding in a holistic manner across the entire course.

2. Component 2: Externally Set Assignment (40%)

  • Pupils respond to a starting point provided by AQA.
  • They have a preparatory period to research and develop ideas, followed by a timed practical exam to realise their design intentions.

The assignment is synoptic, testing the pupils’ ability to work independently, meeting all four assessment objectives:

  • Develop ideas through investigations
  • Refine work by exploring ideas and techniques
  • Record ideas and observations relevant to intentions
  • Present a final outcome based on personal engagement with the brief

Both components assess the pupil’s ability to integrate knowledge, understanding, and skills, applying them to real-world design problems and creative responses.


Drama Edexcel

This qualification encourages creativity and has a focus on practical work. This allows pupils to develop an understanding and enjoyment of Drama, developing group and individual skills and studying ways to communicate ideas and feelings to an audience.


Drama is an exciting, creative and challenging subject: a practical based course and pupils are encouraged to pursue a fully integrated course that allows them to develop their performance skills within a theoretical framework. Practical work will develop both group and individual skills in relation to extracts from plays, other diverse stimuli, the theories of practitioners and dramatic work of the pupils’ own devising. Pupils take an integrated approach to the creation and/ or staging drama and will consider not just the function of actors but also that of designers such as set, costume, lighting and sound.


Component 1: Devising – Non-examination assessment | 40% of the qualification – 60 marks

Pupils will be expected to:

  • Create, develop, and perform a devised piece or design realisation from a stimulus.
  • Analyse and evaluate the devising process and performance via a portfolio.
  • Performer or designer routes available.

Component 2: Performance from Text – Non-examination assessment | 20% of the qualification – 48 marks

Pupils will be expected to:

  • Either perform in and/or design for two key extracts from a performance text of their choice.
  • Performer or designer routes available.

Component 3: Theatre Makers in Practice – Written examination: 1 hour 45 minutes | 40% of the qualification – 60 marks

Pupils will be expected to:

  • Practically explore and study one complete performance text: An Inspector Calls.
  • Live theatre evaluation of a performance they have seen.

Enrichment Activities:

  • Trips related to plays studies as part of the course
  • Participation in school productions
  • LAMDA and Drama sessions
  • Co-curricular and House events
English Language - AQA

Our English Language curriculum is designed to inspire and motivate pupils. We aim to challenge pupils appropriately while ensuring that the assessments and reading materials are accessible to all.

We will help pupils of all abilities develop key skills in reading, understanding, and analysing a variety of texts from the 19th, 20th, and 21st Centuries. Additionally, they will learn to write clearly and accurately, using a range of vocabulary, devices and sentence structures.

There are two main exams, both equally important and untiered, that connect reading and writing. The texts they read will serve as inspiration for their writing tasks, guiding them through the exams. Each paper has a unique focus to encourage engaging teaching and learning.

  • Paper 1: Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing focuses on how writers use storytelling and descriptive techniques to captivate readers, including a creative writing task.
  • Paper 2: Writers’ Viewpoints and Perspectives examines how different authors approach similar topics across time periods and includes a non-fiction writing task.
  • Finally, our spoken language component highlights the essential role of speaking and listening skills. Through engaging activities, pupils will practise these skills, which will culminate in a final assessment.


Paper 1 – Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing

Written exam – 1 hour 45 minutes/50% of GCSE (80 marks)

  • Section A: 1 unseen fiction text with 4 reading questions (40 marks)
  • Section B: 1 piece of creative writing showcasing your descriptive writing skills (40 marks)

Paper 2 – Writers’ Viewpoints and Perspectives

Written exam – 1 hour 45 minutes/50% of GCSE (80 marks)

  • Section A: 2 unseen non-fiction texts with 4 reading questions (40 marks)
  • Section B: 1 piece of non-fiction writing expressing your views on a given topic (40 marks)

Enrichment Activities:

  • Variety of competitions focusing on creative and formal writing skills
  • Workshop opportunities
  • Creative writing opportunities in the co-curricular programme
English Literature AQA

We have carefully chosen our English Literature curriculum to captivate and challenge all pupils, no matter their ability. Our goal is to create lessons that are creative and engaging, helping every pupil reach their full potential. The range of texts we have selected includes both familiar classics and exciting new works that are sure to capture pupils’ imaginations.

Pupils will be assessed in two exams, which are both closed-book and untiered. Questions take a variety of formats: some based on specific extracts; some without extracts but a choice of two tasks, and one section where they will be introduced to brand new content on which to practise their literature analysis and evaluation skills (as found in the unseen poetry section within paper 2).

Our curriculum is focused on helping pupils develop the key skills needed to study English literature, regardless of the genre. In addition to preparing pupils for future English Literature courses at AS and A-level, we hope that this subject offers a rich foundation in a wide variety of literature that will leave a lasting impact.


Paper 1 – Shakespeare and the 19th Century novel

Written exam – 1 hour 45 minutes/40% of GCSE (64 marks)

  • Section A: Macbeth (30 marks, plus 4 SPaG marks)
  • Section B: Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson (30 marks)

Paper 2 – Modern texts and poetry

Written exam – 2 hours 15 minutes/60% of GCSE (96 marks)

  • Section A: An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley (30 marks, plus 4 SPaG marks)
  • Section B: Poetry Anthology Comparative Question (30 marks)
  • Section C: Unseen Poetry (32 marks)

All English Literature examinations are closed text.

Enrichment Activities:

  • Variety of competitions focusing on academic writing skills
  • Theatre and Workshop opportunities
  • Book club opportunities in the co-curricular programme
Economics Edexcel- IGCSE

Economics studies how people, businesses and governments make their choices in order to maximise welfare. It is a course that anyone can access and is especially useful for those who are looking at Maths and Economics as A level choices. The course is split into Micro and Macro topic areas.

Syllabus includes the following topics:


  • The economic problem
  • Demand, supply and market equilibrium
  • Business costs, revenues and profit
  • Business competition


  • Macroeconomic objectives 
  • Government policies 
  • International trade 
  • Exchange Rates  

Curriculum enrichment: 

  • Online subscription to the Economist 
  • Lunchtime investment club
Geography - AQA

This exciting course is based on a balanced framework of physical and human geography. It allows pupils to investigate the link between the two themes, and approach and examine the battles between the man-made and natural worlds. Pupils who complete the course will have the skills and experience to progress onto A Level and beyond.

Pupils will travel the world from their classroom, exploring case studies in the United Kingdom (UK), higher income countries (HICs), newly emerging economies (NEEs) and lower income countries (LICs). Topics of study include climate change, poverty, deprivation, global shifts in economic power and the challenge of sustainable resource use. Pupils are also encouraged to understand their role in society, by considering different viewpoints, values and attitudes.


Living with the physical environment

Topics assessed are – the challenge of natural hazards, the living world, physical landscapes in the UK, geographical skills.

  • Section A – The challenge of natural hazards
  • Section B – The living world
  • Section C – Physical landscapes in the UK

Challenges in the human environment

Topics assessed are – urban issues and challenges, the changing economic world, the challenge of resource management, geographical skills.

  • Section A – Urban issues and challenges
  • Section B – The changing economic world
  • Section C – The challenge of resource management

Geographical applications

Topics assessed are – issue evaluation, fieldwork, geographical skills.

  • Section A – Issue evaluation
  • Section B – Fieldwork


Paper 1 – Living with the physical environment

Written exam – 1 hour 30 minutes / 35% of GCSE (88 marks)

Question types – multiple-choice, short answer, levels of response, extended prose

Paper 2 – Challenges in the human environment

Written exam – 1 hour 30 minutes / 35% of GCSE (88 marks)

Question types – multiple-choice, short answer, levels of response, extended prose

Paper 3 – Geographical applications

Written exam – 1 hour 15 minutes / 30% of GCSE (76 marks). Pre-release resources booklet made available 12 weeks before Paper 3 exam

Question types – multiple-choice, short answer, levels of response, extended prose

Enrichment Activities:

  • Pupils will attend a field trip in the local area, we will also offer international and local field trips
  • External presenters from organisations, for example, The Environmental Agency
  • In our co-curricular programme, pupils can attend Model United Nations (MUN) and complete their Duke of Edinburgh award
History Edexcel - IGCSE

The poetry of history lies in the quasi-miraculous fact that once, on this earth, once, on this familiar spot of ground, walked other men and women, as actual as we are today.Historian G M Trevelyan


Germany: development of dictatorship, 1918-45

  • How were Hitler and the Nazis able to turn a democracy into an evil dictatorship?

A world divided: superpower relations, 1943–72

  • Why did the USA and USSR nearly cause the end of the world?

The origins and course of the First World War, 1905–18

  • Was the devastation of the trenches worth it?

Changes in medicine, c.1848–c. 1948

  • Why did medicine make such rapid progress in this period having made no progress at all in the centuries before?


Assessments are through two 90-minute exam papers.

Enrichment Activities: 

Your studies will be supported by the Year 10 cultural trip, the medical museum at the RBH as well as a film club and subject clinics.

Mathematics - Edexcel

Mathematics is an exciting, creative and rigorous discipline that is at its most rewarding when it presents a challenge! As well as being a pursuit in its own right, mathematics underpins almost all areas of modern-day life. Pupils will be encouraged to appreciate the importance of sound mathematical understanding, whether that be as a gateway to further study in mathematics, engineering, the sciences or computing, or as the basis of good decision-making in their everyday lives.

The key aims and objectives of the Mathematics GCSE course are to enable pupils to:

  • Develop fluent knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematical methods and concepts
  • Acquire, select and apply mathematical techniques to solve problems
  • Reason mathematically, make deductions, inferences and draw conclusions
  • Comprehend, interpret and communicate mathematical information in a variety of forms appropriate to the information and context


All pupils will develop confidence and competence in the following areas:

Foundation Tier

  • Number 25%
  • Ratio, Proportion and Rates of Change 25%
  • Algebra 20%
  • Geometry & Measures 15% 
  • Statistics & Probability 15%

Higher Tier

  • Number 15%
  • Ratio, Proportion and Rates of Change 20%
  • Algebra 30%
  • Geometry & Measures 20%
  • Statistics & Probability 15%

*% weightings are approximate.


The Higher tier will be graded from 4 to 9. The Foundation tier will be graded from 1 to 5. During Year 10 we will decide if each pupil will sit the Higher or Foundation tier. Those very able students will also have the opportunity to sit an Additional Mathematics qualification.

The course is assessed completely via exams: three equally weighted exam papers, each 1 hour and 30 minutes long (one non-calculator, two calculator) all sat in the Summer Term of Year 11.

Enrichment Activities:

  • In school Maths competition during Maths Week England and Pi Day celebrations
  • Opportunities to take part in national competitions such as the UKMT Intermediate and Senior Maths Challenge
  • Maths ‘clinics’ for supporting students
  • Maths-themed hobbies


Modern Foreign Language (French or Spanish) - EDEXCEL

The GCSE French and Spanish courses have been developed to help pupils of all abilities progress and develop a passion for languages, through culturally engaging content. This inspirational course will enable our pupils to manipulate and use the French or Spanish language effectively, independently and creatively, so that they have a solid basis from which to progress to A Level or employment. Pupils are encouraged to choose a Modern Foreign Language.


The themes are broken down into six thematic contexts:

  • My personal world
  • Lifestyle and wellbeing
  • My neighbourhood
  • Media and technology
  • Studying and my future
  • Travel and tourism

The aims and objectives of this qualification are to enable pupils to develop their ability to communicate confidently and coherently with native speakers in speech and writing, conveying what they want to say with increasing accuracy express and develop thoughts and ideas spontaneously and fluently listen to and understand clearly articulated, standard speech at near normal speed deepen their knowledge about how language works and enrich their vocabulary in order for them to increase their independent use and understanding of extended language in a wide range of contexts.

*Native speakers are able to enter a GCSE in their native tongue from the end of Year 10.


Assessments are divided between the four skills and each assessment is taken in the summer term in Year 11, with the speaking exam normally being the first to be taken.

  • Listening 25%: 45 minutes (Foundation) 60 minutes (Higher)
  • Speaking 25%: 7-9 minutes (Foundation) 10-12 minutes (Higher)
  • Reading 25%: 45 minutes (Foundation) 60 minutes (Higher)
  • Writing 25%: 1 hour 15 minutes (Foundation) 1 hour 20 minutes (Higher)

Enrichment Activities:

  • Co-curricular French and Spanish opportunities available throughout the year.
  • Languages workshops and events to celebrate culture and diversity in a variety of ways.
  • Weekly clinics available for pupils to drop-in.
Music - Edexcel

The EDEXCEL GCSE course has been designed to reflect the demands of a truly modern and evolving musical world. It aims to form personal and meaningful relationships with music whilst engaging critically and creatively with a wide range of music. It is designed to give equal weighting to performance and composition allowing development and progress in both these skills. They will have the opportunity to learn in depth appraising skills for both the set works and how to analyse unfamiliar but related music.


There are three components that form the music GCSE syllabus:

  1. Performing – two performances are required including a solo and ensemble piece totalling a minimum of four minutes. Ensembles can include Bands, Vocal/Piano duets.
  2. Composing – Two compositions are required, one is set to a brief by the exam board and the second allows the pupil full creative choice. Songwriting is an option for the compositions
  3. Appraising – Four areas of study with two set works for each; Instrumental Music 1700-1820 (Bach and Beethoven), Vocal Music (Purcell and Queen), Music for Stage and Screen (Wicked and Star Wars) and Fusions (Afro/Celt/Electronic Dance Music/Jazz/Bossa Nova


Performance 30%: -recording submitted of solo and ensemble pieces

Composing 30% – score and recording submitted of two compositions

Appraising 40% – I hour 45 minutes written exam

Curriculum enrichment:

  • Attend concerts and performances including a trip to Wicked or other musical
  • Workshops focusing on Areas of Study with visiting music teachers
  • Perform in GCSE Concerts to showcase pupils – solos and ensemble work
  • Career talks from musicians in different lines of work
Physical Education - AQA

AQA have worked closely with the Youth Sport Trust to develop a new Physical Education course that will help pupils of all abilities to develop a well-rounded skill set and prepare them for progression to further studies.

Candidates would be capable all-round sportspeople, and would develop a deeper understanding of the physical, psychological and practical demands of sports performance. They would further develop skills to be able to analyse and improve as participants/competitors.


Pupils taking this course will foster a theoretical understanding of sports performance and how it is affected physically, mentally and culturally. They will be able to study chosen sports at a technical level, improving and analysing personal performance.

The course will focus on 7 areas:

  1. Applied anatomy and physiology
  2. Movement analysis
  3. Physical training
  4. Use of data
  5. Sports psychology
  6. Socio-cultural influences
  7. Health, fitness and well-being


There are two written examinations, each 1 hour 15 minutes and each worth 30% of the GCSE.

Paper 1 – The human body and movement in physical activity and sport.

Paper 2 – Socio-cultural influences and well-being in physical activity and sport.

The non-exam assessment makes up 40% of the GCSE.

Practical performance in physical activity and sport

  • Practical performance in three different physical activities in the role of player/performer
  • Analysis and evaluation of performance to bring about improvement in one activity

Enrichment Activities: 

Our co-curricular programme allows for many opportunities to participate in a variety of sporting and fitness activities. A field trip in Year 10 to St Georges Park, the home of the FA, helps the pupils see and experience elite level coaching and facilities, supporting a number of areas of their course.

Psychology - AQA

Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behaviour. It encompasses every aspect of human experience and how psychological findings impact our day-to-day lives. From exploring high performance (from learning to sport), governments trying to control the behaviour of nations, and a better understand our own thinking processes; a foundation of knowledge in psychology give pupils a real advantage in introspection and understanding the world.

We are offering this course to give pupils an insight to their own thinking and behaviours. There are several crossovers with other subjects such as biology, maths, PE, art, drama and business, not only within GCSE but beyond. As well as direct links, there are transferable skills such as evaluation, essay writing and data analysis and interpretation. ​

Psychology is one of the most popular A Levels and Degree subjects in the UK so a chance to study this subject at this stage gives pupils an early chance to gain a strong foundation.​


  • Memory- models used, types of memory, and accuracy.​
  • Perception- senses, visual illusions, constructivist theories.​
  • Development- child development (neural, nature vs nurture)​
  • Social influence- conformity, obedience, prosocial behaviour, collective behaviour​
  • Language– language and thought, human and non-human communication, non-verbal communication and body language.​
  • The brain and neuropsychology- the nervous system, neurons, structure and function of the brain, neuropsychology​
  • Psychopathology- mental health and treatments.​
  • Research methods- designing research, correlations, ethics, data collection and interpretation.


The course is assessed completely via exams. There are 2x 1hr45min exams both sat in the summer term of Year 11.

Curriculum enrichment:

  • Pupils will have the chance to conduct and participate in research projects.​
  • Trips to places such as the Science Museum, Freud Museum.​
  • Brain Club which is part of our co-curricular offering.
Religious Studies - WJEC EDUQAS

Religious Studies is a rigorous and demanding academic discipline. It encourages critical thinking, decision making, collaboration and independent working skills that will benefit all subjects. It provides opportunities to explore, make and respond to meanings of life experiences in relation to the beliefs and experiences of others. The WJEC EDUQAS syllabus covers a range of the major world religions and ethical themes. Pupils will be challenged with questions about beliefs, values, meaning, purpose and truth. This will enable them to develop their own attitudes and beliefs whilst gaining an understanding of how religion, philosophy and ethics form the basis of our culture.

Pupils will consider different beliefs and attitudes to religious and non-religious issues in contemporary British society.


Pupils will consider different beliefs and attitudes to religious and non-religious issues in contemporary British Society.

Component 1 – Religious, Philosophical and Ethical issues in the modern world

Two themes:

A) Issues of relationships (8 concepts: adultery, divorce, cohabitation, commitment, contraception, gender equality, responsibilities, roles)

B) Issues of life and death (8 concepts: afterlife, environmental sustainability, euthanasia, evolution, abortion, quality of life, sanctity of life, soul)

Component 2 – Study of Christianity

Beliefs and teachings

  • Beliefs in Great Britain
  • The nature of God
  • Creation
  • Jesus Christ
  • Salvation
  • The afterlife

8 concepts:

  • Omnipotent
  • Omnibenevolent
  • Trinity
  • Incarnation
  • Atonement
  • Resurrection
  • Salvation
  • Judgement

Component 3 – Study of Islam

Beliefs and teachings

  • The nature of Allah
  • Prophethood (Risalah)
  • Angels (Malaikah)
  • Akhirah (afterlife)
  • Foundations of Faith

8 concepts:

  • Tawhid
  • Prophethood
  • Allah
  • Immanence
  • Transcendence
  • Angels
  • Al Qadr
  • Akhirah


Component 1 – Written exam 1 hour, 50% of final grade

Component 2 – Written exam 35 minutes, 25% of final grade

Component 3 – Written exam 35 minutes, 25% of final grade

Enrichment Activities

Trips to places of worship in the local area and visitors to the school.

Science - AQA

Science is a set of ideas about the material world. This course includes all the parts of good science whether it be investigating, observing, experimenting or testing out ideas and thinking about them. The way scientific ideas flow through the course will support pupils in building a deep understanding of science. This will involve talking, reading and writing about science plus the actual doing, as well as representing science in its many forms both mathematically and visually through models. GCSE science encourages the development of knowledge and understanding in science through opportunities for working scientifically.


Alongside the skills outlined in the course aims, all pupils will continue to nurture a curiosity of the world around them. Pupils will be encouraged to consider the power and limitations of science and the impact on our wider global community. Science will be taught in the 3 recognised areas of science Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

  • Biology – Cell biology, Organisation, Infection and response, Bioenergetics, Homeostasis and response, Inheritance, variation and evolution, Ecology.
  • Chemistry – Atomic structure and the periodic table, Bonding, structure and the properties of matter, Quantitative chemistry, Chemical changes, Energy changes, the rate and extent of chemical change, Organic chemistry, Chemical analysis, Chemistry of the atmosphere, Using resources.
  • Physics – Energy, Electricity, Particle model of matter, Atomic structure, Forces, Waves, Magnetism and electromagnetism.

Pupils begin their GCSE Science course at the start of Year 9 with all pupils following 2 topics from each sciences giving a good foundation for either GCSE science course. As part of the options process pupils may decide if they will sit a GCSE in each area of science or a combined Science course worth two GCSEs. This decision will be made with advice based our experience of the pupils’ scientific ability.


Separate Science GCSE

6 x 1 hour 45-minute exams – 2 for each science. Resulting in a separate GCSE grade for each science.

Combined (Trilogy) Science GCSE

6 x 1 hour 15-minute exams – 2 for each science. Resulting in 2 combined GCSE grades.

Enrichment Activities: 

  • Trips to GCSE Science Live
  • In our co-curricular programme there are options to discuss broader themes of the subject
  • Take it Further tasks guide independent learning
  • Weekly clinic devised to support learning

GCSEs are designed to be challenging, but they shouldn’t become so overwhelming that they affect your child’s mental wellbeing. Rest assured that we never allow a child to struggle on their own. To support pupils on the lead up to exams, we organise workshops to help them manage stress, practice wellbeing activities and encourage pupils to talk to us.

GCSEs are the pupils’ first opportunity to pick their timetable and pursue their subjects of choice, leading to a culmination of hard work. We are excited for our first exam results in 2024 which will set the tone for Crosfields Seniors.

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