Our Fees - Crosfields School

Our Fees

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At Crosfields School we are proud to offer fees that are inclusive of educational day trips, textbooks, stationery, lunches, snacks, and internal co-curricular activities.

Our transparent approach allows families to understand the full cost per year and allows our pupils to explore their interests through private music lessons or specialist external providers for co-curricular activities.

Government Early Years Funding Entitlement (EYFE)

As part of our Nursery and Reception school year for 3-4 year olds, based on a Monday-Friday term time offering, children are entitled to access 15 hours of EYFE a week based on our academic calendar of 35 weeks.

Children qualify for this funding the academic term after their third birthday until the end of the first term following the child’s fifth birthday.

The EYFE will be calculated for up to 15 hours per week, dependent on the number of days your child attends our Nursery and Reception. Any additional extras will be calculated in addition.

2024 – 2025


Registration fee

Payable on registration and non-refundable £100.00

Please see the School’s Terms and Conditions for information on how and when the Acceptance Deposit and the Additional Deposit (if paid) may be refunded.

Acceptance Deposit

Payable by the parents of each pupil on acceptance of a place or on progression from Year 6 to Year 7.

Nursery to Year 6 £500.00
Year 7 (internal progression) (see note below) £700.00
Year 7 to Year 11 (external entrants) £1,000.00

Note: Parents of a current pupil of the school who is progressing from Year 6 to Year 7 will be notified of the deposit requirements for Seniors in the Autumn Term preceding entry.

Year Fees per Term Fees per Annum
Nursery* £4,250 £12,750
Reception* £4,495 £13,485
Year 1 £4,795 £14,385
Year 2 £4,895 £14,685
Year 3 £5,595 £16,785
Year 4 £5,950 £17,850
Years 5 and 6 £6,250 £18,750
Years 7 and 8 £6,890 £20,670
Years 9,10 and 11 £7,076 £21,228

*This is the fee for full time. Please contact the Admissions team on admissions@crosfields.com for part time fees.


Optional Extras

Breakfast (Nursery to Year 6) £4.95 per session
Breakfast at The Hatch (Years 7 to 11) Pay as you go or £3.65 flat charge
Long Stay (Nursery – Reception) £10.50 per session
Long Stay (Year 1 and Year 2) £7.90 per session
Dance Lessons Charges notified separately
Swim School Charges notified separately
Other hobbies Charges notified separately
School Transport Charges notified separately
Public examinations Charges notified separately

Charges will be added to the fee invoice at the end of each term.

Private music lessons and certain extra-curricular sports and other activities may be subject to separate agreements between Parents and the providers of these services direct rather than with the School.

Looking for financial support?

We also offer a limited number of means-tested bursary awards for pupils in Seniors, to learn more please see our dedicated page.

It is common for families to ask if they can pay monthly. Even though we cannot offer this option directly, we do work with School Fee Plan for parents who would prefer this option. For more information please click here.

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