Crosfields School’s first ever GCSE results

48 pupils who are our pioneers worked incredibly hard in forging a path and acting as role models for future year groups.

We are delighted to announce that 96% of Crosfields GCSE entries were awarded grades 4-9, significantly above the national average of 67%. Impressively, 45% of these grades were awarded at the top levels of 7-9, compared to the national average of 21%. Notable highlights include: 82% of Computer Science, 71% of Biology, 64% of History and 60% of Higher Maths grades were awarded a 7, 8 or 9. Additionally, 100% of the Additional Mathematics entries were awarded the top grade of an A.

Mrs Caroline Townshend, Head, said: “Crosfields’ first set of GCSE results marks a special moment in the history of the School and its development. The expansion from a 13+ prep school to a 16+ all through school has been a huge success and the individual stories of each of our Year 11 pupils are incredibly special.”

“I am so proud to lead such a wonderful community which continues to place equal importance on academic results, breadth of education and character development. Well done to each of our pioneers, all of whom have an exciting future ahead!”

Nine pupils from this group have grown up within our school community, having started their journey in our Nursery or Reception at just three or four years old. Watching the development of their educational voyage has been extraordinarily inspiring. Mr Richard Ebbage, Deputy Head Academic (Seniors), said: “It is special to take a year group through their GCSEs. Some have been at Crosfields since they were three years old and signing off their educational journey with us with these fantastic results feels like a fitting end to their time here. All leave us with a clear sense of who they are and have exciting, individualised, next steps to look forward to. Well done, Year 11!”

Pupils with particularly impressive outcomes were:

  • Tommie Fish’s grades of 9999999988AA reflects his outstanding commitment and excellence in his studies.
  • Ameya Dhanjal has achieved remarkable results with grades of 9887777766AA. Ameya has also significantly contributed to the County Cricket team, served as the Lead for Interact Club.
  • Harry Lewis, one of our first School Captains, has attained grades of 998887776. Harry’s leadership and academic prowess have been exemplary.
  • Calista Sonda has accomplished an impressive grades of 9888777777B. Her dedication and hard work have truly paid off.
  • James Mumford has secured grades of 9999888777AA, demonstrating exceptional academic achievement.
  • Kenodh Perera has achieved commendable grades of 9998888887A, showcasing his dedication to academic excellence.
  • Esmee Gardner has earned grades of 988877776, a testament to her hard work and determination.
  • Adam Musa has been awarded grades of 888888766A, reflecting his perseverance and commitment to his studies.

An impressive 100% of our Year 11 secured their first-choice 6th form or college offer with pupils going to an impressive array of 26 educational destinations. Several pupils have been awarded scholarships and places at grammar schools, and we are proud that each one has found a path that is uniquely suited to them.

Well done to all our pupils for setting such a high bar!